Frequently asked questions

If the answer to your question is not listed below, please contact us.

The web version can’t be downloaded onto a PC: the software can be used remotely online when connected to the Internet. You don’t have to install anything on your server or PC.
Yes, you can use Canopo Audit with any common Internet browser on any fixed or mobile device.
Yes, the software was designed to be used on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. You can use the web app on all mobile devices with an internet browser, or download the specific app for Android devices.
To download the app, click on this link, which opens the appropriate Google Play page, then download the app. N.B.: the app is only available for android devices.
Yes, the following languages are currently available: Italian, English, Spanish. Additional languages can be quickly implemented by translating a simple text file which is imported into the Customer's instance.
The dbms is MySQL, the development framework is MVC & Web API, the interfaces are developed in Angular JS.
Canopo Audit is very safe. We conduct regular application penetration tests and our security systems guarantee the utmost confidentiality, reliability and integrity of the data stored. The providers we rely on for material delivery are all ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017 and ISO/IEC 27018 certified. Our company is ISO/IEC 27001:2022, ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019certified, this means we adopt robust and effective information management system to protect data and information from unauthorized access, disclosure, loss or theft, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the data that Customers entrust to us. We have implemented the Cloud Security Alliance CSA STAR Self-Assessment (CAIQ - Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire version) specifying the security controls and measures we adopt, available at the following link: STAR Registry Listing for Canopo Audit. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) STAR Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk registry is a public registry that documents the security and privacy controls of providers of SaaS applications and cloud computing solutions. Our questionnaire is available at the following address: CSA STAR self-assessment - Canopo Audit
Yes, all customers have access to our web support system where you can manage requests, refer to documentation and watch training videos.
To purchase the software, simply contact our sales department. After making your purchase you can use Canopo Audit immediately online, via the Internet, on any device.
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